My SRF experience

My SRF experience



Me, Mother Teresa, Tiger Woods and The Halo

The Halo Effect
I was recently at a continuing education seminar and one of the speakers discussed the phenomena of 'Halo Effect'. I found an interesting article on the subject from Psychology today about Tiger Woods and the Halo effect. 

The halo effect is the illusion of generalized grandeur. We are all tempted by its siren call: knowing that we wish for a world of heroes we are beckoned to imagine that our heroes are heroic over all horizons. There is no simple antidote to the seductive appeal of the halo effect. It's both easy and pleasurable to succumb to its illusions...
Many of Tiger's former devotees are now emotionally stunned and very disappointed in him. The enchantment and heroic lure of the halo effect was sufficiently powerful in this case that questions posed to his fans that might seem hyperbolic can be asked in earnest: Within which pantheon of gods did you actually have Tiger Woods located, rendering you distraught by the mere recognition that he is in some ways human? Upon what type of pedestal has Tiger Woods been standing in your mind's eye all these years, so that you now think he has taken a great fall? Within what type of Eden has he been roaming in the fantasia of your imagination, such that you now feel paradise has been lost? The halo effect does that to the human mind; it sets you up for the crash. His admirers loved him as a global personality; now they are not even sure he is a nice guy.
Here is The Article 

I have received a number of letters from people who say they have felt the aura or vibration of a saint or leader or celebrity or super star or Guru. 
I know what they are saying because I have also felt these vibes and energy (when I expected to feel the vibes and energy).

Beatles fans feeling holy vibrations 1964
Pope fans feeling holy vibrations 2005

Some years ago I worked with the Missionaries of Charity as a volunteer (I am not nor have I ever been Catholic). At one point the leader, Mother Teresa, was scheduled to come to the hospice where we worked and we were all very excited to meet with her. Because I believed her to be a saint (and if I have ever met a saint, it was her) with an energy vibration, I tried to perceive the blessing of looking upon a saint. I told myself that I felt it, but all I really felt was a very deep awe of a very, very awesome woman. Someone who lead our efforts in the service of the poor. Someone who inspired us to look for the gift each person was. Someone who felt called by God and shared that calling with us.
Some years later, while doing other charitable work, I met several very well known movie stars. These people were absolutely, definitely not holy saints but for me the "vibration" was the same. It was at this point that I realized that the thing we feel when we brush elbows with 'saints' and 'movie stars' comes from within us, it doesn't project out of them.

When I was in SRF a certain minister (now deceased) was a great inspiration to many. He would have been a good minister in any religion. He was a great guy and demonstrated a great patience and kindness that we all admired. At one point a member of the church told me that this minister levitated and that he saw it. This rumor always went around but no one could ever identify the mystery person who saw the event. Intrigued I began talking more with this witness. Turns out the 'witness' had also seen UFOs, Babaji visions every night, 'Master' resurrected in visions telling him this and that and he also believed that a civilization lived on Mars. Ironically, he also had a brother who had seen bigfoot.
 Ok. Well, I don't know, but I tend to think the person had a strong imagination. Meanwhile everyone was passing this levitating rumor around and embellishing on it to the point that it was a legend and everyone was "feeling the vibration". I want to add that the minister himself never claimed to levitate and never levitated or performed anything miraculous in front of the congregation, so I don't think he was the one who started the rumor going around.

When we went to convocation every year we spent a week listening to well prepared speeches and sermons, meditating and working ourselves up for the final Spiritual grand extravaganza, an elderly lady of high position in the organization (you know who). When she was brought out at the end of the convocation to speak the anticipation was at it's highest peak. We were hyped up and ready to be blessed. It was like a silent rock concert. A couple of warm up bands and then the headliner. The last time I saw her she seemed confused and was batting at the mic like a cat, but we were hanging on her every word, in total awe of being in her presence.

( Just a side note; I get two holiday form letters each year that are supposedly written by this elderly woman. Judging by her actions and the talk she gave last time I saw her, I sincerely doubt she is lucid enough to actually be composing these letters....)

I have been in communication with someone who was a member of a channeling cult in the 1980's. The way this was done is they would put on a big show, get the audience hyped up into a fervor and then the medium (or whatever they call them) would start channeling some ancient, highly advanced, all knowing being from another planet. I have watched the tapes and the acting wasn't even that good, but to a person who is THERE, believing and enthusiastic it can be very convincing.

The phenomena seems to be the same regardless of the source. Pope, Saint, Movie stars, Rock stars, resurrected Elvis sighting, Tiger Woods or channeled being from the planet Zircon. People are imagining they are picking up their Vibes. 
The greater the glitter, hype and charisma the more we believe it.

Peace and Best Wishes,


Chewing Gum

Here is a great chewing gum TV commercial from India.

Allegedly, Yogananda could not learn to chew gum.
Example of a highly complex and complicated gumball

He would chew it with his front teeth only, but could not learn to chew the gum with his back teeth. His disciples tried to teach him how to chew gum, but he just couldn't coordinate the task.

 I do not know if he could pat his head and walk at the same time or perform other such feats of concentration and agility like blowing bubbles.

Love and best wishes, 


Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Driving Master Daisy and Labor

Book Review: Part Six
A Paramahansa Yogananda Trilogy of Divine Love
by: Durga Mata
"If all the Gods are pleased but the Guru is displeased, his displeasure counts, and if all the Gods are displeased, but the Guru is pleased, his pleasure will be the raft to the infinite shores.
"Paramahansa Yogananda

According to Durga, Yogananda could not drive a car. He did try once but he "Went on the sidewalk, ZigZagging all over the road."
So his Swanky Packard was driven by a Chauffeur devotee and not by himself.
Driving a car doesn't seem like it would be that hard to learn...

WORK: A four letter word
Yogananda did not do physical labor. He would occasionally do a little sweeping to set an example for the others. "He never lifted heavy burdens, for he had enough carrying our heavy karmic bundles without adding to the weight."
 Heavy Karmic bundles made his jacket buttons pop

Event Planner after the fact
"Master never told us his plans ahead of time, even if we had to work with him on the plans, for he said that Satan would step in to put a stop to it or change it somehow. After the idea had Materialized, then he would tell us what the plan had been."(Page 176)
Sounds like a great way to take credit for the good stuff that happens while skirting responsibility for the bad stuff that happens, or claiming to be all knowing AFTER the fact.
 I worked with a person like this once. Maybe he was actually an Avatar and I just thought he was acting like a dweeb....I don't know...

Beautician magician
Once a boy saw Yogananda primping in front of a mirror before going on stage. He was fixing his hair just so (many thought he "Marcelled" his hair). Yogananda saw the boy looking disgusted at the coiffering.
He parted it in the center and pulled the back hair more to the front on each shoulder.The boy was mentally thinking how vain Master was. Master often demonstrated in his lectures what he did to give this boy a lesson. He said he stood for the longest time in front of the mirror deliberately taking more pains to affix each hair in the right places; petting his hair here and there, combing and re-combing; all the while watching the boys expression change in the mirror. Finally Master turned and said to him" So you think I am vain, because I comb my hair before going to face an audience. I saw you you in the mirror and received your thoughts. That is why I deliberately acted vain".
The boy apologized and was never critical of Yogananda for working his Doo again. According to Durga, Yogananda rarely washed his hair as he thought it would dry it out. He kept it clean by brushing it frequently and over and over, apparently applying the '100 strokes' rule for long hair.

Peace and Best Wishes,


What would Jesus Drive?


LA Times
December 6, 1925
Says it is a 'far cry from the transportation of India'

In 1925 Packard was an expensive status symbol. Like a Bugatti Veyron today. Pretty swanky rig for a renunciant....

Jesus on Swanky Donkey


Yogananda's Mansions

Excerpts from:
If Jesus Were Preaching Today

From East-West Magazine, Sept-Oct 1926
If Jesus were preaching today to an American audience, his message would not be, "Sell all ye have and give to the poor;" "take no heed for the morrow, what ye shall eat, what ye shall put on." These and other beautiful sayings of Jesus could not be strictly applied in the West today.
If Jesus were preaching today in America, he would employ all the methods of the successful businessman, and use newspapers as a means of drawing to him today's multitudes. *He would have to erect churches to house the religious multitudes, which would bring with it a need to concentrate on finances and raise money.

Paramahansa Yogananda


Yogananda once prayed to Jesus Christ for reassurance that he was interpreting his words in the Gospels correctly. Jesus appeared to him in a vision; the holy Grail passed from his lips to Yogananda's. Jesus then, so Yogananda later told us, spoke these words of heavenly assurance: "The cup from which I dost drink, thou dost drink."

From: Original Christianity

Yogananda was also the God ordained spokesman for Krishna, who I believe was a Hindu, as he doesn't look Jewish.

My Commentary:

"Original Christianity" was Judaism. Jesus (Yeshu) was Jewish and taught from the Torah. He did not teach from the Vedas or Gita. I do not know if Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, a Prophet, a Rabbi or just a rebel against hypocrisy and the brutal Roman empire, but I do know he was solidly Jewish and not Hindu.

Most of the "Beautiful sayings" of Jesus were direct or paraphrased from Proverbs and Deuteronomy. Apparently Jesus told Yogananda that he would be a "businessman**" if alive today. Apparently Jesus didn't mention the Torah to Yogananda which seems odd given that it was the foundation of his teaching.  Yogananda said that he had a vision of Jesus and Krishna walking hand in hand together, thus verifying that the teachings of both men were the same.

 It makes me wonder...
Was Krishna wearing a yarmulke?

It is Interesting to me that all of the Gurus seem to be eager to hitch their cart to Jesus the Jew and hang on to his shirttail in an effort to establish themselves as his peers, yet there is no record of him mentioning them....

Peace and Best Wishes,

*Jesus attended Synagogues and ministered itinerantly. He was a  Jewish man under Roman rule who never started a Religion or Church.

**Jesus worked in his family business as a skilled Carpenter or Craftsman in a time before power tools and hardware stores. 


Nothing to see here.....

Things left out of the Autobiography.

I recently had a visitor to my blog who asked for information about Newspaper articles concerning Nerode and Dhirananda . Many are available through the LA times archives:

Swami to Swami court battle

More Swami to Swami action

Back from the East

Another Legal Battle


Swami's air money row

What Money?

Babes on board

Swamis get lots of action in LA

More court action


Not the only Swami with legal problems....

There are also articles from Time magazine archives and Miami newspapers about misconduct with women, but you will have to look those up again yourself.

Peace and Best Wishes,



Saints of SRF: Rajasi has a LOT of Baggage

Book Review: Part Five
A Paramahansa Yogananda Trilogy of Divine Love
by: Durga Mata

"Master did not allow Rajasi to carry light or heavy weights"
Durga Mata (page 41)


Durga would have to carry Rajasi's heavy suitcases, food crates (he ate special foods) and other items from the car and up the stairs.


 Yogananda and Rajasi were too spiritually advanced to carry luggage or help.

"Most of the time the loads far exceeded my strength." 
Sister Gyanamata often told her: "When I see you bent with such heavy loads, my heart was prone to rebellion, but my mind quickly told me that Master's blessings are upon you for this service no matter how heavy they are."
-Durga (page 41)-

While Sister Gyanamata felt sympathy for her, apparently the two men (who were able bodied Yogi-Christs) had no problem sitting on their tushies while Durga lugged their junk up the stairs. Ommm...

Yogananda told Durga that if she rebelled it would reflect badly on him. When it came to Rajasi everyone had to walk on eggshells to please him and stay "In Character". 
In my opinion it was at this time that the spiritual "training" became the practice of putting on spiritual airs and piousness, which is still very evident in the organization today.


"I remember one day I did not pick up a beach towel Rajasi used to lie on the lawn, which he had left after he had come in the house in the evening. Later, Master told me that Rajasi had complained about it to him. I answered, "My gosh Sir, can't he even pick up one little towel for himself?" Master gently explained to me that he had advised Rajasi to help me instead of complaining, and Master pointed out the wisdom of his advice, "Whatever you do reflects on me, for he complained to me and I got the rebuff not you." Thereafter, I was extremely careful that Master would not have to go through that again."
-Durga (page 41)-

When I was in SRF I remember stories about the harsh discipline the disciples received. I remember one story where Yogananda wrapped a turban around a monks head and shouted "Look at the great Swami, everyone look at him!" He did this to make this man humble and submissive, yet when it came to stuff like Rajasi and the towel, Yogananda is kissing Rajasi's rumpus. Why didn't Yogananda wrap the towel around Rajasi's head and shout "Look at the great Swami"? Why didn't Rajasi need to learn humility? Was it his multi-million dollars worth of spiritually enlightened yogi-Christness? I leave it to the reader to decide...


Whenever Rajasi went down to the beach to swim (which was everyday) Durga would have to go along to carry his towel and lotion. She also had to protect him from his "Accident Karma" which Yogananda SAID Rajasi had (????) and people who were after his money. It was a good thing too, because after one disciple left, Yogananda revealed that the man was after Rajasi's money and had planned to blackmail him. If Rajasi had been left alone then this man would have succeeded in the plan. Luckily Rajasi was not left alone, so none of the bad devotees could approach him. He was saved by Yogananda (according to Yogananda). Hurray!!

"He (Rajasi) always went down our stairway...My legs would tremble so it seemed at times I would not make it back up again."
Though Durga asked many times to be released from this duty, Yogananda told her he could not trust anyone else to do it.


" Replenishing Rajasi's toilet articles and food stuff does not sound like it would be such a chore, but it turned out that everything he used was a hard item to get or only particular stores carried them, etc., and I had to walk miles from one store to the other to find them."
-Durga (page 42)

Rajasi told her:
"I like good things and they are expensive."

"Master was afraid because I handled Rajasi's money and lived in the luxurious hermitage that I would get luxury consciousness.
Simple, Humble, Monastic mansion by the sea

 During his June 1948 Samadhi ecstasy he was talking to Divine Mother regarding myself. I wrote it down and I quote, "I was afraid that luxury and money would make you luxury conscious and spoil you, but I now know that luxury and money will never spoil you"
-Durga (page 45)

Divine Mother told Yogananda that she was pleased with Durga's simple ways

