My SRF experience

My SRF experience




I recently updated the post on Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, Gurus will be Gurus. 
This is part of what was revised to that post, however I think this part about Hironyaloka should have its own post, so it is reposted here and I added a few things....

Hiranyaloka is an Astral planet from the Autobiography of a Yogi. Chapter 43. 

It is highly Spiritually advanced and peopled with millions of astral beings who have come from the earth, and also with myriads of fairies, mermaids, fishes, animals, goblins, gnomes, demigods and spirits, and possibly unicorns and Hobbits. 

Possibly One of Yukteswars Goblin disciples in the Astral world

Yukteswar is the Savior Yogi-Christ of the highly advanced spirits, Mermaids, goblins etc. on Hiranyaloka. 

Savior-Yogi Christ of Hiranyaloka

They eat luminous raylike veggies.

Non-Luminous carrot of the Earthly variety

 Flowers and fish can change themselves into Astral people (Perhaps the mermaids got stuck halfway through metamorphous).

Spiritually advanced Merman in the Astral world

Communication among the Astral beings, fairies and mermaids is completely by Astral telepathy and television. No need to talk or turn off the TV. This is a perfect afterlife for couch potatoes. 
1938 TV

There are also Astral planets where gloom drenched dark angels go at each other with mental rays and lifetron bombs and vibratory rays. 
I think this part of the Astral world may be ruled by Xenu, dictator of the Galactic Confederacy 

Or it may be the space Aliens known as the Lucerfarians that keep humans from moving above "level one"

I do not know if it is possible to get to Hiranyaloka by riding the Hale-Bopp comet with the Heavens Gate bunch or if we have to get on board the Kriya airplane.

You may be thinking;
 'Yikes! I was hoping to go somewhere BETTER when I died! Now you tell me the best I can hope for is eating luminous ray salads with a Mermaid while dodging lifetron bombs? Whats up with that?

Well cheer up. Maybe after a few million lifetimes on Hironyaloka you will eventually be "liberated" and dissolve into the infinite.

Devotee worshiping at Yoganandas holy lotus feet

Peace and Best Wishes,


Finally, An intelligent email from an SRF devottee!

This post was originally written over a decade ago. I had it saved on the blog as a draft. I am going to publish it now May 2021....It is a historic piece but I am trying to get the blog printed out for my kids and I wanted to add this...

I got an intelligent comment from an SRF devotee!
Here it is:


There are about 12 unaccounted for years during Jesus life. Jesus very well could have studied in the far East and returned home with new teachings...

Also The books of the bible have had more human intervention than any religious texts in history. To assume that the current versions are all correct is asinine at best. Some of the gospels themselves where written decades after the fact...I don't know about you but my memory is not so great about things form 10 years ago.

I have to agree with Yogananda that Yoga provides a real spiritual practice where-by one can directly experience God over a period of time. Contrast this with the Christian view that only by faith in Jesus as the only Son of God can man be saved...mind you Jesus himself actually said "Ye are all the sons of God".

I don't know it just seems like the pot calling the kettle black for Christians to look at other religions as inferior when Christians can't provide any more proof than anyone else on this planet.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.


Dear anonymous letter writer,
I liked your email so much I decided to make an entry in my blog featuring your post. Your post was WAY more intelligent then 99% of the posts I get from SRF members. I like that. Since  you only spent 14 minutes on my blog, you may have missed some of my other posts, where I have addressed many of the matters involving your observations and opinions. I see you found my blog by googling "Aum sound in right ear", so I suspect you are an SRF member. If so then I also know that every morning and evening you are sitting in a chair in a dark room with your thumbs in your ears humming aum internally over and over trying to hear the cosmic vibration of the Holy Ghost in your right ear. In front of you are six Guru pictures. I know this because I have been there done that. 

There are at least 12 years of everyones life that is "unaccounted for" in the sense that no one wrote about it. Jesus may have gone to India or he may have joined a traveling circus for all anyone knows.
Jesus in Kashmir and the God alien connection

 In all likelihood he apprenticed with his father in the family business. Carpentry and skilled trades took longer to learn back when holes had to be drilled by hand and wood had to be planed and fashioned without power tools. None of the authors of the Gospels were eye witnesses to his birth yet they wrote about it. Why didn't they write about his 12 "missing years"? Well, I certainly  don't know, but my guess is that during that time  nothing happened worth writing about. It seems like a trip to India to meet with the three wise men (former incarnations of Yukteswar, Babaji and Lahiri) would have been noteworthy. Since the entire philosophic foundations of the teachings of Jesus were learned on this India trip it does seem odd that none of his 12 chosen disciples thought it was noteworthy enough to write about. We may never know....
I do not currently belong to a religion. I do think the purpose of Religion is to give us comfort. If sticking your thumbs in your ears and listening for a hum in your right ear gives you comfort, go for it. If believing that faith in Jesus is comforting to Christians, go for it. Either way you are " All Sons of God". The truth is no one knows, so just go with the thing you like. 

You are correct, NO one can prove anything.

I don't know that Christians look at other religions as inferior any more than others religions view Christians as inferior. My impression of Christians is that they believe their ideas to be correct. My impression of Muslims and Hindus and SRF is that they believe their ideas to be correct. They all seem to think their beliefs are the RIGHT beliefs. That may  be the only universal truth there is about religion. They all THINK they have it right but none of them KNOW anymore than anyone else. The one thing I have noticed though, is that while Hindus and yogis are eager to hitch their cart up to the Jesus,  Christians seem content with what they have and don't feel the need to add the 800 year old Babaji into their teachings.
I agree with the Ghandi. Be the change you want to see in the world. The change I personally want to SEE is NOT a bunch of people sitting around with their thumbs in their ears, but your vision of a perfect world may be different from mine.

Peace and Best Wishes.

You may find this information concerning Gandhi's ashes interesting: