Thou Mother of Flames, show Thy Face, hidden beneath the veil of Cosmic Motion Pictures.
O Mother of time, space, forms, and relativity, Thou hast taken a finite form—the Kali Divine, colossal, symbol-idol of all-sheltering nature....
Thy one hand holds the lightning-sword of destruction: another clutches the severed head of ignorance: Thy third hand of power wakes Unseen Creative Force, to take finite, fairy forms: the wand of Thy fourth hand stops the storms of cosmic discord, ushering in the soothing rays of Peace.
O Kali, Thou wild Mother of creative activity, wearing a garland of human minds: the rhythm of Thy wild dance of creation ceases when Thy foot-steps touch the transcendental breasts of Thy Invisible Husband of Infinity—Shiva, in Whom all creation rests
(excerpts from Kali-Divine by Paramahansa Yogananda, Whispers from Eternity)
My Image of Divine Mother
SRF was my first religious experience with a Mother God. Most of my SRF friends who were in love with Divine Mother generally used pictures of Mother Mary, mother of Jesus from the Catholic tradition such as this:
I worked as a volunteer for Mother Teresa's nuns for a time and they revered Mother Mary (not divine mother). They had beautiful pictures of her as a gentle and loving mommy.
These scenes were gentle and tender and I imagined Divine Mother to be lovely and warm, like Mary . Ahhh, how wrong I was!
Mother Goddess of the West
Mary with baby Jesus
Earth Mother
Mother Nature
Mother Goddess of the East
Shiva gets pwned by Kali, mother of flames, who is wearing a garland of human minds and doing a wild dance of creation on his transcendental breasts.
Bad as this looks what happens next is even worse....
shiva is part of the Hindu trimurti
Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu
Shiva is the God of destruction.
The holy lump in front of Shiva is his linga
A linga is a penis (one of the most destructive forces on earth)
Here is Divine mother as Durga
Yielding weapons like a Swiss army knife
This Kali is no Virgin Mary!
Kali is eating Shivas innards and creating the universe (to keep the blog PG-13, I blacked out the Universe Creation part)
The story is that after she does the dance of creation on his breasts, she then pounces on him and eats his innards out. After that she well, uh.. you know, then she rips off his linga and creates the universe.
This is like the Adam and Eve story except instead of eating the Apple, Eve eats Adam.
This is why the Hindu traditions make so much more sense than the Christian/Jewish tradition?
Here is Shivas linga with the "Yoni"
The Yoni is the "Female" anatomy.
Shiva's linga appears in Hindu temples without the rest of him. He is worshipped by pouring milk and flowers on the linga. Hallelujah brethren!
.....Again we see the snake....
Unity of East and West.
Om, Amen
A painfully funny comparison! Apart from that, I feel that your blog deserves much more attention (which would be reflected by the number of comments, I guess). Oh well, it'll just be a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and commenting.
The blog is currently getting over 100 hits per day. I have a fair number of comments but I do not publish the ones that are abusive or of questionable motive.
The purpose of the blog is to give information about SRF from my perspective so that others that want this type of information can find it. Those that are not interested probably will not be searching for this information to begin with.
We are all on life's journey. It is a wild ride. I think it is best if we all hold hands when we cross the road and keep one another safe.
....If we can. :-)
Peace and Best Wishes,
Cool Blog although I feel it is very subjective and the fact that you filter the comments makes it more so. . . I want more insight through objective science and spirituality because we all know the media is not trustworthy. I believe we have to experience for ourselves what is real or not even Jesus Christ, Buddha and Ghandi were persecuted and some brought up on charges but it does not mean it was truth. I believe many of these accounts are truth but as the saying goes, "believe none of what you hear and 1/2 of what you see" for if you want something to be true badly enough, as you have pointed out in the halo effect, it will be. The halo effect works in every direction. Thanks for your insight. :)
ReplyDeleteWell it is subjective because I am writing it from MY experience, observations and research.
Anyone with different experiences, observations and research are welcome to start their own blog, and many have.
The SRF website is extremely subjective and I doubt you would find any of the information found on my blog made available on their website or through their organization.
My objective is to make information available that would have saved me a lot of years of wasted time, had I known it 30 years ago. What people reading the blog choose to make of the information is up to them. I am not here to convert or convince anyone.
I filter the comments because I get a lot of SRF people who either:
1) Pretend to be fundamental Christians (why I don't know???) who are ranting against SRF or
2) Who are just abusive to me for having the blog.
The first type are not very convincing and easy to see through. The second type are sickening.
I don't post their comments because I don't see any benefit in posting them. As I say, they are welcome to start their own blog, this isn't a discussion board. SRF has a discussion board, so they can take any discussion they want to make about SRF to SRF. Why tell me about it?
The halo effect doesn't make what we want to be true, true, just because thats how we want it to be. However, ignorance may indeed be bliss. If we don't KNOW that Tiger Woods and Yogananda aren't perfect, we can always pretend they really are and click our Ruby slippers together and wish upon a star and hope it's all true and bow at their feet...but I chose a different path.
Thanks for stopping by to read and comment.
Peace and best wishes,