The pictures of Yogananda that SRF uses are mostly professional photos taken by professional photographers. Many have been "retouched". There is at least one well known "photo" that is actually a painting.
Any of the Avatars that existed before cameras were invented are, of course, all paintings.
There is nothing wrong with using these types of photos or controlling which photos the spiritual aspirants see. I mean really, who hasn't taken a bad photo from time to time. While waiting in the grocery line I frequently see paparazzi photos of starlets and celebrities on the scandal-rags that look a whole lot different than the ones taken on the red carpet. Who doesn't take a better picture when we are all spiffed up with a pro behind the camera? Who doesn't look better after a little airbrushing and photo-shopping? This is just the nature of being human and being photographed.
What I want to get to here is the idea that we can tell how spiritually advanced someone is by looking at their posed photo.
As far as feeling their vibrations goes, I am currently working on a post about my own experiences with the Halo effect which will cover most of what I have to say about that.
In Samadhi
Does this guy look like a mass murderer in this photo?
He is the Guru of Aum Shinrikyo. A cult that blended Buddhism with Hinduism. He studied in India, practiced Kundalini yoga, translated and met with many influential religious leaders and Gurus. He also led a terror attack on Japan and was convicted of Murder and given the death sentence.
he began conferring on himself such titles as "Today's Christ" and "the Savior of This Century."
New Messiah
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Does this guy look like he would poison your Grandma's salad?
He was involved in the largest Biological terror attack in the United States. They poisoned food in The Dalles, Oregon. 750 people were sickened at ten restaurants. He plea bargained on two counts of immigration violations and he was fined and deported. He was never convicted of the poisoning though some of his followers were.
1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack
Even this guy takes a good picture
A good picture doesn't mean you are good.
A bad picture doesn't mean you are bad.
A picture is just a picture.

The Rest of the face here
The rest of the face here
The Rest of the face here
The rest of the face
The rest of the face here
The Rest of the face here
Peace and Best wishes,
he began conferring on himself such titles as "Today's Christ" and "the Savior of This Century."
New Messiah
In Samadhi
Does this guy look like he would poison your Grandma's salad?
He was involved in the largest Biological terror attack in the United States. They poisoned food in The Dalles, Oregon. 750 people were sickened at ten restaurants. He plea bargained on two counts of immigration violations and he was fined and deported. He was never convicted of the poisoning though some of his followers were.
1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack
Even this guy takes a good picture
A good picture doesn't mean you are good.
A bad picture doesn't mean you are bad.
A picture is just a picture.
people always say "look at his eyes they are so intense". The question is: Can we judge the Yogi-Christness of a person based on whether or not they have Betty Davis eyes. Here is a little game. Guess who is behind these eyes:
The Rest of the face here
The rest of the face here
The Rest of the face here
The rest of the face
The rest of the face here
The Rest of the face here
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