My SRF experience

My SRF experience



Good Cop. Bad Cop. Same Cop.

Book Review:

includes excerpts from the book:
My Life and Service to my Guru
 by Durga Mata

Channeling Divine Mother. Taking names and kicking buttocks.
Divine Mother as KALI

"Kali is writing her name in flames on your foreheads"
Paramahansa Yogananda (as quoted by Durga, page 30)

In this part of the book Durga Mata tells of an interesting event involving the Master and Divine Mother. 

In 1948 a group of five disciples went to Yogananda's room. He said "Sit a little distance away, Divine Mother doesn't want anyone to touch me." He had them call the Lewis' to come. It was the first time they "had seen him in such a different ecstasy."

"He talked aloud to Divine Mother, and she would use his voice to answer him back aloud, so we could hear it all. Divine Mother took each one by our names and would tell us what each one's faults were and Master's tender heart would come to our defense. Daya took some notes. Divine Mother laid us low and many others who were not present, according to each ones' just deserve. I remember my scolding very well."

Durga received a severe scolding by Divine Mother because a little while back she made a fuss about giving up her room to a guest. Apparently she had given up her room many times before but this one time she made an issue of it and boy did that upset the Divine Mother! She doesn't say what the others did to receive such a scolding from Divine Mother but I envision such Earth shaking revelations as 'Fred leaves the toilet seat up' or 'Mary chews with her mouth open' and other issues of great importance to Divine Mother. 
Divine Mother was taking me on the carpet for that saying,  " Duj (Yogananda's nick name for Durga) was selfish and wouldn't give up her room." Master answered "Please Divine Mother, don't punish her. she has always been unselfish and is my pal, and you know she takes on the sins of others, don't punish her mother." 
Each one without exception got a lesson we would never forget.
(page 37)
They all commenced crying hysterically like an ol' timey revival meetin' and they became listless and remorseful. This went on for three days. Yogananda going back and forth between Divine Mother criticizing them, to Yogananda defending them. Eventually Divine Mother had to get back to minding the universe. Yogananda was relieved from the terrible duty of defending them against her wrath for such offenses as leaving the top off the toothpaste or whatever.

There are more interesting stories in this book which I will review later.

Peace and Best Wishes,

Divine Mother as DURGA 


  1. I can't believe I was ever into this stuff! What the hell was I thinking? These people who I thought were spiritual heros were really mixed up. God, what creeps.
    I remember reading this book and others and a little voice inside me would say, "now, now - you don't really agree with that junk do you?". Maybe it was Divine Mother! But, I really think it was whatever sense I had left.

  2. Hi Gordon,

    Even though I stayed for 25 years, there was always a bit of common sense and sanity tugging at me also, When I would read these things or tell others about my "church" I always felt a little bit stupid admitting that I believed in this stuff. In the end sanity finally won the battle! Which led me to write about my experiences, observations and research in this blog. When I read SRF stuff now it is comical. Instead of trying to be in tune with "Master" I now laugh till my sides hurt!

    Peace and best wishes,


Thank you.


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