Book Review: Part Four
A Paramahansa Yogananda Trilogy of Divine Love
by: Durga Mata
While staying at the Encinitas hermitage, Rajasi would occasionally like to go for a drive. Rajasi preferred Oldsmobiles.
His chauffeur in Kansas City kept Rajasi's car clean and in immaculate order at all times. "Rajasi expected the same from us and became rather impatient if the car was not just right." (page 113).
He liked a good rate of speed, traffic permitting. He was rather impatient on the road with other drivers who would not move over if he wanted to pass. He would lean on the horn until they did." (page 112)
Highly Advanced Yogi Practicing Tantrum Yoga
In 1937 The "Golden Lotus Temple" in Encinitas was built on the bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, just 10 to 15 feet from the edge. Apparently even though Yogananda could see everything down to the tiniest atoms while in Samadhi, Divine Mother mischievously did not reveal to him the reality of groundwater and erosion.
Divine Mother sticking out her tongue
In 1942 the temple slid down to the ocean. When it slid down the hill, the other Disciples ran down to tell Rajasi. Perhaps reasoning (correctly) that he couldn't push it back up the hill, he did not get upset and finished his swim before coming to take a look.
Karma or an act of God?
I don't know what the building permit process was back then.
Speaking of permits in 1981 in an "apparently misguided effort" (whose guidance?) SRF toppled the bluff while grading without a permit:
Workers suspended a bulldozer from a crane at the blufftop and ended up causing 3,500 square feet of bluff between J and K streets to topple under the weight of the heavy equipment, a San Diego Coast Regional Commission report stated.
The fellowship was fined $15,000, an unprecedented amount at the time, and ordered to plant vegetation on the bluff face.
The fellowship was fined $15,000, an unprecedented amount at the time, and ordered to plant vegetation on the bluff face.
On the positive side the vegetation was a great success and a model project for the area, so Hip Hip Hooray!
"Rajasi did not like Ugliness in any form. For instance if he dropped something and it spilled it's contents, he disgustingly walked out of the room as fast as he could so he would not have to see it."
I guess someone less Spiritually Advanced would then have to clean it up?
"Master would not allow us to talk in a negative vein to Rajasi; the conversation or reports or talking to Rajasi had to be on a constructive basis. I can well understand the reason as Rajasi was not able to take negativeness of any type. If the slightest negative element entered into the reports, he thereafter would not have anything to do with the project or person" (page 113)
If he saw anyone "step out of Character" he would then shun the person. If the person was someone he HAD to deal with he would then give that person no favors or special attention. Durga says though, that he could be merciful and forgive most of the time.
"Rajasi was especially naive towards anyone on the spiritual path" he felt they must all be saints and angels. If he ever saw them make a "Faulty move" he was very "critical". Durga states that over time he became a little more forgiving and accepting of others. Yogananda said that was why Rajasi had been matched with an invalid wife. To help teach him tolerance. (page 114)
Durga says Rajasi was very childlike. He had loved his Mother dearly and responded well to mothering. "Motherly praises for his good deeds toward the organization and to Master would give him the incentive to continue to do more."
(to be continued)
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