My SRF experience

My SRF experience



Mission: Spread the Gospel of Babaji

Great Masters’ Interest in America
Babaji is in constant communion with Christ. Together they throw out vibrations for the redemption of the world. It was Babaji who predicted, to my Master, Sri Yukteswarji, that I would go to America to spread the message of India’s sages. Sri Yukteswarji was asked by Babaji to write "The Holy Science" (which shows the union of the Scientific principles underlying Yoga and the Christian Bible) and send to America the unified message of Christianity and Yoga as Self-Realization through fellowship of all religions, or Yogoda Sat-Sanga. I was financed by Bhagavati Charan, my earthly father and disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya, to spread this gospel in America. Babaji also predicted that there were many "would-be saints in America," and one wonderful soul in this great country has already been honored with that title, St. Lynn.
I am also writing the life of the great Babaji as I heard the story from my own Master, Sri Yukteswarji. It was Babaji who first honored Sri Yukteswarji with the title of "Swami" (Master). He received his formal initiation in to the Swami Order from the Mohunt of Budh-Gaya.
Paramahansa Yogananda

(Note: A Mohunt is a "Chief priest")


Road Rage, landslides and Spills: Saints of SRF

Book Review: Part Four
A Paramahansa Yogananda Trilogy of Divine Love
by: Durga Mata

While staying at the Encinitas hermitage, Rajasi would occasionally like to go for a drive. Rajasi preferred Oldsmobiles.

His chauffeur in Kansas City kept Rajasi's car clean and in immaculate order at all times. "Rajasi expected the same from us and became rather impatient if the car was not just right." (page 113).

He liked a good rate of speed, traffic permitting. He was rather impatient on the road with other drivers who would not move over if he wanted to pass. He would lean on the horn until they did." (page 112)

Highly Advanced Yogi Practicing Tantrum Yoga


In 1937 The "Golden Lotus Temple" in Encinitas was built on the bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, just 10 to 15 feet from the edge. Apparently even though Yogananda could see everything down to the tiniest atoms while in Samadhi, Divine Mother mischievously did not reveal to him the reality of groundwater and erosion.
Divine Mother sticking out her tongue

 In 1942 the temple slid down to the ocean. When it slid down the hill, the other Disciples ran down to tell Rajasi. Perhaps reasoning (correctly) that he couldn't push it back up the hill, he did not get upset and finished his swim before coming to take a look.
Karma or an act of God?

I don't know what the building permit process was back then.

Speaking of permits in 1981 in an "apparently misguided effort" (whose guidance?) SRF toppled the bluff while grading without a permit:

Workers suspended a bulldozer from a crane at the blufftop and ended up causing 3,500 square feet of bluff between J and K streets to topple under the weight of the heavy equipment, a San Diego Coast Regional Commission report stated.
The fellowship was fined $15,000, an unprecedented amount at the time, and ordered to plant vegetation on the bluff face. 

On the positive side the vegetation was a great success and a model project for the area, so Hip Hip Hooray!

"Rajasi did not like Ugliness in any form. For instance if he dropped something and it spilled it's contents, he disgustingly walked out of the room as fast as he could so he would not have to see it."

I guess someone less Spiritually Advanced would then have to clean it up?

"Master would not allow us to talk in a negative vein to Rajasi; the conversation or reports or talking to Rajasi had to be on a  constructive basis. I can well understand the reason as Rajasi was not able to take negativeness of any type. If the slightest negative element entered into the reports, he thereafter would not have anything to do with the project or person" (page 113)

If he saw anyone "step out of Character" he would then shun the person. If the person was someone he HAD to deal with he would then give that person no favors or special attention. Durga says though, that he could be merciful and forgive most of the time.

"Rajasi was especially naive towards anyone on the spiritual path" he felt they must all be saints and angels. If he ever saw them make a "Faulty move" he was very "critical". Durga states that over time he became a little more forgiving and accepting of others. Yogananda said that was why Rajasi had been matched with an invalid wife. To help teach him tolerance. (page 114)

Durga says Rajasi was very childlike. He had loved his Mother dearly and responded well to mothering. "Motherly praises for his good deeds toward the organization and to Master would give him the incentive to continue to do more."

(to be continued)

Me, A comma, a dandelion and the wisdom of Gracie

"Never place a period where God has placed a comma." 
Gracie Allen (ditzy comedienne)

I have a book of sayings. Things that come from all walks of life. Both the enlightened and the unenlightened. The saved and unsaved. Saints and non-saints. Ordinary people. Famous people. Children. Elderly. Wise men. Foolish men with a flash of genius. 
I read one of these sayings every day and make them my inspiration for the day. I like these sayings because I think they show that we are all pretty much ok the way we are. Wisdom is not the property of enlightened Gurus and their editors.
 I read this quote from Gracie Allen (singing, dancing, awesome comedy queen of the silver screen). I didn't know until I started this post that this quote has a recent controversial religious and political History.

Since everything is in bloom at my house and the lawn is growing like gang busters, I went out to do a little yard clean up. There were three dandelions in my yard.  Last week my mother commented that they "sure are healthy ones". Yup. Big (huge) yellow flowers with thick, dark healthy leaves. I like dandelions. They are a weed of course, but they are an admirable weed. They are hearty and tenacious. They have nice flowers that turn into "fairy puffs". I have fond childhood memories of making wishes and blowing the seed off the stalk. They are survivors.

We have a kind of cork screw weeding device that pulls a weed roots and all from the ground. Normally I throw them out (PERIOD) but on this day my doggy and I took a stroll by the river and threw the old dandelion plants out into a field of weeds along the river bank. I wondered what would happen if I put a comma where the period usually is. A few days later we walked by and the yellow flowers on my discarded weeds had turned into fairy puffs. So their seeds will be added to the field of weeds and the field of weeds will become "healthy ones".  The wind will probably eventually bring their descendants back to my front yard. I doubted that this could in anyway be a positive outcome, but I thought I would look to see if dandelions had any redeeming attributes. I was surprised to learn that they were actually brought on purpose from the old world to the new world. They are completely edible and very healthy to the wildlife.

Wildlife love it.

Geese, ducks, and quail often eat the flower and seed heads. Blackbirds and sparrows love the seeds, while deer, moose, elk, black bears, grizzlies, chipmunks and prairie dogs eat the plants.

Wow! How cool is that? The ducks, geese and deer down by the river are going to be dining on the descendants of my healthy dandelions all courtesy of Gracies comma!

Who needs a Guru to tell us about the mysteries of life? 
We have each other and we have dandelions.

Peace and Best Wishes,

"What is a weed? A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." -- Emerson


Eugenics and the all knowing

From the Hindus let us take their methods of Self-Realization through scientific psycho-physical meditation...  Let us take the pantheistic conception of God ...  Let us take [the] law of Karm or cause and effect which makes man responsible for his advancement or downfall, and explains why there are born failures, morons and other defectives, produced not by God but by the wrong actions of individuals in past lives. 

Paramahansa Yogananda

This is interesting. 

Of course Mr. Burbank and Yogananda could not have forseen how Hitler and the Nazi's would use this information. Lots of people were fooled by this. It is not like they were all knowing Saints or Avatars or anything like..oh..wait... they WERE all knowing Saints and Avatars...

Peace and Best Wishes,

From Science and Civilization:
Will the growing intelligence of man (Science) forever tolerate the wholesale production of the ever-increasing proportion of idiots, morons, Mongoloids, insane, criminal, weak, destitute, nervous, diseased half-men and women ...who infest the earth to their own sorrow and disgrace and perhaps the ultimate destruction of our present state of civilization?
Science and Civilization by Luther Burbank
East West Magazine
Self realization Fellowship
November-December 1925
Volume 1

This article is interesting in light of Yogananda's praises of Adolph Hitler a few years later.
"uplifting guidance of Hitler"

Yogananda. "Christmas message". East-West Magazine, 1933

Luther Burbank belonged to a group of American Eugenicists who actually wrote the research and opinions that lead to Hitlers rational of creating a Master Aryan race.

Mr. Burbank does not say what the Final Solution to Idiots, mongoloids and morons is...but the Nazi's got the memo.

60000 RM this is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the Community of Germans during his lifetime Fellow Citizen, that is your money


Eugenics and the Nazis -- the California connection

November 09, 2003|By Edwin Blac
Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in his quest for a so-called Master Race... The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little-known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.
Eugenics was the pseudoscience aimed at "improving" the human race...In its extreme, racist form, this meant wiping away all human beings deemed "unfit," ...California was considered an epicenter of the American eugenics movement.

Article Here


Leslie Van Houten, SRF Devotee

This was sent to me by an Alert Reader.
Leslie Van Houten of Manson Family murder fame
February 19, 1971

I really don't have anything to add to this post...

Guru Worship picture

This is from a picture on page 53 of this site:
Rajasi (James J Lynn) A Great Western Yogi

I am posting only the relevant parts of the photo

In the above picture the Guru is bestowing his blessing on the disciple, who is kneeling in front of him. In front of the Guru's feet is a pile of flowers that his followers placed before him in worship. 
Each person lays a flower at the Gurus feet while bowing down before him. 

This photo is from a Kriya ceremony. During a Kriya ceremony each of the disciples makes a vow of complete undying loyalty to the Guru in exchange for learning a meditation technique. The Meditation technique is the one that the immortal, ageless Yogi-Christ Babaji gave to Lahiri.  

Babaji is many hundreds of years old and BBF (best friends forever) with Jesus of Nazareth who traveled to India to learn the technique from Babaji. 

On the altar behind the Great Yogi-Christ Guru, he has humbly placed a picture of himself to be worshipped by his followers as they meditate on him.


Divine Mother. East and West.


Thou Mother of Flames, show Thy Face, hidden beneath the veil of Cosmic Motion Pictures.
O Mother of time, space, forms, and relativity, Thou hast taken a finite form—the Kali Divine, colossal, symbol-idol of all-sheltering nature.... 

Thy one hand holds the lightning-sword of destruction: another clutches the severed head of ignorance: Thy third hand of power wakes Unseen Creative Force, to take finite, fairy forms: the wand of Thy fourth hand stops the storms of cosmic discord, ushering in the soothing rays of Peace.

O Kali, Thou wild Mother of creative activity, wearing a garland of human minds: the rhythm of Thy wild dance of creation ceases when Thy foot-steps touch the transcendental breasts of Thy Invisible Husband of Infinity—Shiva, in Whom all creation rests

(excerpts from Kali-Divine by Paramahansa Yogananda, Whispers from Eternity)

My Image of Divine Mother
SRF was my first religious experience with a Mother God. Most of my SRF friends who were in love with Divine Mother generally used pictures of  Mother Mary, mother of Jesus from the Catholic tradition such as this:
I worked as a volunteer for Mother Teresa's nuns for a time and they revered Mother Mary (not divine mother). They had beautiful pictures of her as a gentle and loving mommy.
These scenes were gentle and tender and I imagined Divine Mother to be lovely and warm, like Mary . Ahhh, how wrong I was!

Mother Goddess of the West

Mary with baby Jesus
Earth Mother 

Mother Nature


Mother Goddess of the East

Shiva gets pwned by Kali, mother of flames, who is wearing a garland of human minds and doing a wild dance of creation on his transcendental breasts.

Bad as this looks what happens next is even worse....

shiva is part of the Hindu trimurti
Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu
Shiva is the God of destruction.

The holy lump in front of Shiva is his linga
A linga is a penis (one of the most destructive forces on earth)

Here is Divine mother as Durga
Yielding weapons like a Swiss army knife

This Kali is no Virgin Mary!

Kali is eating Shivas innards and creating the universe (to keep the blog PG-13, I blacked out the Universe Creation part)

The story is that after she does the dance of creation on his breasts, she then pounces on him and eats his innards out. After that she well, uh.. you know, then she rips off his linga and creates the universe.
This is like the Adam and Eve story except instead of eating the Apple, Eve eats Adam.

 This is why the Hindu traditions make so much more sense than the Christian/Jewish tradition?

Here is Shivas linga with the "Yoni"
The Yoni is the "Female" anatomy.
Shiva's linga appears in Hindu temples without the rest of him. He is worshipped by pouring milk and flowers on the linga. Hallelujah brethren!

.....Again we see the snake....

Unity of East and West.
Om, Amen



Ghost Writer in the sky, Sunrise Jim

This is something I don't personally know anything about and so the information came as something new to me. If anyone has information to add to this (to verify or disprove) I would be interested in hearing from you. 

I received a tip from someone who had some ancient information concerning someone who was in SRF in the 1930's and 40's. I know, it sounds very cryptic but this is all anonymous and confidential and so forth, so I can only say I got the scuttlebutt. The names were known and recognizable and so I looked into the tip. (I Know, I Know, it sounds like something from a Nancy Drew novel,

 but bear with me). 

You can file this under rumors, as I cannot give any first hand information, it is just a tip from an undercover informant. I do not have the authority to release the source who wants to remain anonymous. I can say that the source was someone close to the information. (Yikes! this sounds like a spy novel!)

"Bond, James Bond..."


The tip I received (which appears to be pretty authentic) said that Yogananda had a ghost writer writing for him named Warnack. Warnack was a professional writer who worshipped Yogananda (Literally). There is a claim of an eye witness report that this ghost writer wrote the Autobiography (which was later edited and embellished on by Laurie Pratt) and other materials. 
There were actually teams of people involved in editing and writing, but the notes were organized and the text written by this man Warnack (according to the informant who contacted me using the Bat-signal).

The name Warnack, didn't ring any bells for me but I did find that there was a religion writer for the Los Angeles times until 1938 named James Warnack. In a google search, his name came up on an Ananda site.

Using this information I looked in the EAST WEST magazine and I found many poems and articles by him. This of course doesn't prove anything, but it is an interesting coincidence to be sure.

Articles in Los Angeles Times 1938

His Own Book :
SOUL SYMPHONIES by James Warnack

 published in 1928 by James Warnack
The introduction is by Swami Dhirananda
Book of Spiritual poems


Excerpts from articles written for East West:

—By James Warnack
... Peak piled on peak, tier after tier, stretching out and away forever, a cosmic theater in which the gods may sit to watch the human drama; baby foothills smiling in their sleep; tiny stars flung by the glacier gods from a towering precipice; lofty redwoods everlastingly young, and barren trees on brown hills dreaming of the days when they were green; footprints of giants in the boulders; sweet azaleas whispering fragrant secrets to the streams; mariposa lilies, embraced by ardent love-vines, peeping from crevices in the rocks, and breathing, singing bits of blue sky flitting among the trees at dawn—that is Yosemite.

—By James Warnack
I SAW a wild rose bending over to kiss the stream that sang its love to her, and I asked: "Why do you charm me, sweet rose?"
And the rose replied: "You love me because I am the symbol of the beauty and fragrance of your soul."
I saw a lily leaning over to admire the reflection of her face in a limpid lake, and I said: "Why do I love you, fair flower?"
And the lily said: "I represent the purity of your inner self."
I heard a lark caroling in the meadow, and I said: "Why do you thrill me, beautiful bird?"...

In majesty, walking the fields of Forever, in darkness and silence and space never-ending, the Infinite One grew weary and lonely, and paused for a moment to rest and to dream. For the Spirit of Life, including all things, comprehends even dreams and illusions.
And the dream flew straight from the Dreamer’s heart, like a bird from its home in the heart of the hills. And strange was the dream of the Infinite One, for He thought that He, Who had ever been lonely, was espoused to a Goddess, divine as Himself—and He called her the Holy One. Trembling with joy, the Spirit drew near Her, till His breath was on Her lips, and She nestled close to His mighty heart. And in the silence She conceived and gave Her Lord a Son. Gentle and fair and innocent was he, and yet he had a wisdom above worlds. His thoughts were like the lilies of the valley, and his face was radiant as a new-born dawn....

And his review of Whispers..


..The Western mind, which considers such ways of approaching the Supreme Being to be not in keeping with the spirit of reverence, should strive to remember that, to the Hindu, "Brahma" is everywhere, at all times, imminent and pre-eminent,—and that He is called "Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Friend," all in a breath, and—to the Hindu—not inconsistently.
When the Hindu sings, "I am the bubble, make me the Sea" (one of Yogananda’s favorite original songs), he is praying not for absorption in the sense of self-destruction (as is erroneously imagined by many critics of Hindu thought), but rather, he is seeking the expansion of the personal self into the greater Self, his own true Selfhood., "Nirvana," instead of meaning a state of nothingness, means, instead, a consciousness of the All-ness of life—a difference so vast as to be incalculable by finite mind.
One soul, out of many thousands, reaches in this phase of existence what the Hindus call the state of "Samadhi." When that height of development is at last the reward of many centuries of God-craving, the man becomes a "Master." Swami Yogananda is a Master of Masters, a Swami of Swamis. He cannot be compared with lesser teachers. Every line in "Whispers From Eternity" tells a story of greatness. One has only to read these prayer-demands, in order to feel a definite spiritual growth within himself. The book cannot be recommended too highly.

Peace and Best wishes,


This information came from a reader. I do not have personal knowledge of it's validity. I am adding it for anyone who may want to do their own research into the matter. 
According to this reader:

James Warnack died in 1974 at age 95 in Escondito California. Escondito is near Encinitas where The Autobiography of a Yogi was completed. 


I received an email saying that the Autobiography notes were sent off to a Ghostwriting firm in the midwest. The person writing the E-mail referred to it as a rumor and did not know the name of the company. We may never know what happened here, but I suspect that Warnack wrote the notes (This has an eye witness report) and the notes may have been sent off for rewrite and editing by someone else.